Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mr Wise Guy

This bloke here can already stand on his own two feet while supporting his body with his hands on the railing of his cot. Had to lower the bed height, most likely he will topple over if its still at the same elevation. I kind of have this anxiety of being unwanted one day.....just the complexity of my otherwise stable mind that once my son can walk....he wont need any lift anymore (sick huh?) Just imagine this, one day he can walk.......few moments later he'd be able to run, get a few years down the road he will be able to ride on two wheels......and further he will be able to drive his own car (too far but still.....desperate mind of a father). By then......would he need me?....I wonder. (do men have similar syndrome to PMS?) Imagine me being a father to a hormone ladden teenage'd be teaching how to flirt in no time!!....with the blessings of his mother though. To level things up.......I predicted that by the time Radhi is 20, (I will be 50 then) I'd have laid out all the choices for him.......good and bad.......and pray he will turn out alright.' minds' off a bit wayward t'day.


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